MED-EL World
MED-EL World is an interactive exhibition developed from Ars Electronica Solutions for and in cooperation with MED-EL company. The aim of the exhibition is to give visitors the opportunity to experience and engage with MED-EL's highly innovative products and long R&D history in interesting ways. The exhibition features various installations including amongst others a spacey spinning audio selection interface, an interactive dynamic timeline of the company's history and a small game challenge involving a state of the art ARRI 3D camera. My part for this project was related to the development of the interactive timeline illustrating the history of the company since the beginning in the mid 70s. The project utilizes a framework which I personally developed and which combines Equalizer with openFrameworks making it possible to use OF in distributed environments and graphics clusters. In addition I was also responsible for the implementation of parts of the visual design including the dynamic bezier curve system and the post-processing effects of the application. The installation was developed with openFrameworks and Equalizer.
Further info can be found at the AES project page.
Image & Video Credits: Johanna Mathauer, Guillaume Ohl