Ars Electronica Solutions developed and designed the Primetals booth for METEC 2015 resulting in an 800 square meter exhibition space showcasing the company's technologies and achievements. Having the ability to be involved and influence all aspects of the project from architecture and light design to technical support and software development the team was able to realize an immersive environment with various elements. I was one of the main engineers for the software running on the center piece of the booth which consisted of 24 screens positioned in landscape, at 7 meters high, with the ability to rotate 12 of them for a maximum of 270 degrees. My role included the rendering and synchronization of the content running on the screens with the movement and position of the rotating screens. We developed various choreographies that together and in sync with rendering would tell a story about Primetals. This project was realized with a mix of openFrameworks and Equalizer and acted as a trigger for starting the development of stardust essentially a wrapper around these two projects.